10 Tips to Prevent Falls and Stay Safe

Learn about 10 important tips to prevent falls and stay safe at home, outdoors, and in public places.

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3 min read

Nutritional Tips for Healing After a Concussion

Learn about the best nutritional tips to aid in the healing process after a concussion.

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2 min read

Understanding Vestibular Rehabilitation: What You Need to Know

Learn about the importance of vestibular rehabilitation and how it can help treat balance issues and dizziness. Discover what to expect during a rehabilitation session and the potential benefits of this therapy.

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3 min read

The Role of Physical Therapy in Concussion Rehab

Discover how physical therapy plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation process for individuals recovering from concussions. Learn about the various techniques and exercises used by physical therapists to improve symptoms, restore function, and promote a safe return to daily activities.

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2 min read

Managing Symptoms and Coping Strategies during Concussion Rehabilitation

Learn about effective strategies for managing symptoms and coping during the rehabilitation process after a concussion.

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3 min read

Understanding BPPV: Causes and Symptoms

Learn about Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), a common vestibular disorder that causes intense dizziness. Explore its causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

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3 min read

The Importance of Finding a Qualified Vestibular Therapist

Learn about the importance of finding a qualified vestibular therapist for managing and treating vestibular disorders.

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3 min read

Understanding BPPV: Causes and Symptoms

Learn about Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), a common inner ear problem that causes dizziness and balance issues. Discover the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for BPPV.

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3 min read

The Link Between Concussions and Long-Term Health

Exploring how concussions can impact long-term health and the importance of early interventions.

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3 min read

Understanding Labyrinthitis: Key Facts You Should Know

Discover the essential facts about labyrinthitis, including causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options.

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2 min read

Understanding Vestibular Neuritis: Causes and Symptoms

An in-depth look into the causes and symptoms of vestibular neuritis, a condition that affects the vestibular nerve in the inner ear.

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3 min read

Exercises and Physical Therapy for Vestibular Migraine Relief

Explore effective exercises and physical therapy techniques to alleviate symptoms of vestibular migraine and improve your quality of life.

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3 min read